Réunion annuelle 2019

The GDR Statistical Ecology will hold its fifth annual meeting on may 13th and may 14th 2019, at the University of Avignon (after Lyon in 2015, Montpellier in 2016, Nantes in 2017 and Grenoble in 2018). The meeting will start on may 13th at 2 pm and end at 4 pm on may 14th.

This meeting is open to everyone, so we invite you to participate! You can participate with a 10 minutes talk, presenting a statistical development, databases or methodological questions, in a casual presentation. The goal of these talks is to promote discussions and debates about statistical ecology. Check our website for more information on our research themes (https://sites.google.com/site/gdrecostat/themes).


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15 March 2019: Deadline for abstract submissions

15 April 2019: Deadline for inscriptions

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